A search engines is a program that searches the Internet and finds webpages for the user based on the keywords that you submit. There are several parts to a search engine such as:
search engine software including: boolean operators, search fields, display format, etc.
The computer hacker collective Anonymous has distanced itself fromWikiLeaks, claiming the whistleblowers' site has become too focused on the personal tribulations of its founder, Julian Assange.
A statement posted on the Anonymous Twitter account, AnonymousIRC, described WikiLeaks as "the one man Julian Assange show" after the website began asking users to pay for access to millions of leaked documents.
NASA research has found that half of all stars in the universe have Earth-like planets orbiting around them, raising fresh hopes of finding alien life.
Aliens : true false
Numerous public figures from eminent scientists to politicians have stated their belief in the existence of alien life forms and UFOs.
Here we take a look at some of the most notable claims:
1. Arnold Schwarzenegger's famous line in The Terminator "I'll be back" was originally in the script as "I'll come back".
2. Near the beginning of the first movie, when Sarah Connor (played by Linda Hamilton) receives a message on her answering machine from a man cancelling a date, the voice on the machine is director James Cameron's. Hamilton and Cameron got married years later but have since divorced.
3. Mel Gibson turned down the role of the Terminator. O.J. Simpson was also considered for the role but the producers thought he was "too nice" to be taken seriously as a cold-blooded killer.
Facebook was invented by Harvard computer science student Mark Zuckerberg along with classmates Eduardo Saverin, Dustin Moskovitz, and Chris Hughes. The origins to the name hints as to the history of Facebook, however, the website was originally and briefly called Facemash. Mark Zuckerberg was a second year student, when he wrote the software for the Facemash website. Perhaps, it was Zuckerberg's sophomoric sense of humor that led him to create the site as a type of "hot or not" game for Harvard students, where website visitors could compare two student photos side-by-side and let viewers decide who was "hot" and who was "not". Mark Zuckerberg put his computer science skills to good use by hacking into Harvard's security network and where he copied the student ID images used by the dormitories and used them to populate his Facemash website.